- lat. gaza = ländlicher Besitz, kleines Landgut
- Quelle Dr. M. Bacherler, HSB 50 1935/35 Die deutsche Besiedelung der Diözese Eichstätt
*Gaizecelle abg. im Geißental bei Pfünz (1186 MB 49, 20).
- Quelle: www.tylwythteg.com/glossary.html
GEAS: a Magickal Obligation that a Welsh Witch places him or herself under in order to prove his or her honor for the Gods. This is a very misunderstood term. The Witch may voluntarily accept a Geas, but a Geas can also be placed upon someone whom you wish to obligate. Also, a Sacred Trust
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Geißen unter Ortsnamen