- Quelle www.tara.tcd.ie/bitstream/2262/3921/1/jssisiVolXII263_294.pdf
SHAN. -SHAN figures very, numerously as a prefix to Townland names, there being over 400 such cases in the Index. It is an anglicised form of the Irish sean, "old", "ancient" as Shanbally, sean baile, "old town". The word sean is also found in the Gaelic of Scotland, as in Shantir (sean tir), "old land" (Ayrshire), and in Manx in the form shenn, as Shenvalla, "old farm".
- www.libraryireland.com/plnm/placenamesS.php
Shandon; old dun or fortress.
sean tir
- Querverweis, siehe dazu auch
Sand unter Ortsnamen
- Quelle Buck: mittell. bucus = waldige Höhe. Vgl. irisch buac, gall. bôc = Berg
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Buck unter Ortsnamen